Welcome to our office

Representative greeting

For Patients
Hallo! Our medical service has started at Nagatsuta, Yokohama city in 2003.
Since then, we have provided orthopedic and neurosurgical medical services
to many patients. So now, we have had 6 clinics to provide our medical
service within Kanagawa prefecture. We will continue to improve our service
quality not only in general orthopedics but also in spinal surgery, joint
surgery, hand surgery, sports medicine, and so on.
And we have already begun nursing care service for the elderly and will
also enhance the quality of this service.
If you have any problems with your personal medical service, please feel
free to contact us.
July, 2017
Nobuhito Nagata ,MD.,Ph.D.
The outline
- 2003."Nagata Orthopedic clinic" opened in Nagtsuda, Yokohama-shi
- 2007."Zama Orthopedic clinic" opened in Iriya,zama-shi
- 2010."Seya Minamidai Orthopedic clinic" opened in Seya, Yokohama-shi
- 2011."Mitsukyo Orthopedic clinic"opened in Mitsukyo,Yokohama-shi
- 2012."Izumino Orhopedic clinic"opened in Izumino,Yokohama-shi
- 2014."Nagata Orthopedic clinic" ⇒ moved to current medical square
Branch clinic

Nagata Orthopedic clinic
Nagatsuta Medical Square 2F3F
5-5-13 Nagatsuta Midori-ku Yokohama-shi kanagawa-ken
226-0027 Japan

Zama Orthopedic clinic
Clinic Building2F in front of the Iriya station
5-1684-3 Iriya Zama-shi Kanagawa-ken
252-0024 Japan

Seya Minamidai Orthopedic clinic
Y Building 1F
1-23-4 Seya Seya-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken
246-0031 Japan

Mitsukyo Orthopedic clinic
TK Building 1F
6-2 Mitsukyo Seya-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken
246-0022 Japan

Izumino Orhopedic clinic
Southern Hills Izumino 1F
5627-1 Izumicho Izumi-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken
245-0016 Japan
Our Office
Nagatsuta Medhical Square5F 5-5-13 Nagatsuta Midori-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken
226-0027 Japan